Monday, December 3, 2012

The Middle

                                  Everyone has a different story.  This is ours. 

Ryan and I had been dating about a year when we had started talking about getting married.  Around our 1 year anniversary we had planned a trip to Disney World.  It was my favorite place to go and I wanted Ryan to experience it.  About a week or two before we were supposed to leave Ryan had told me that he had a big surprise for me when we got there.  I had told a couple people about the "big surprise and they said that he was going to propose!!  Well, I start romanticising about it, because for a Disney freak like me...what better place to propose than Disney World!!!  We get there and all checked into our hotel.  Ryan asks me if I'm ready for my surprise.  Our hotel room wasn't the prime spot for a proposal but we are on Disney property!  Like I said.  I had this all played out in my head after he told me about the surprise.  Well, my big surprise wasn't a was Richard Petty's driving experience.  :-)  I always find this story funny.  Could be because even though I wasn't proposed to at Disney World, we were still married 6 months later.

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